Are you in need of a little help with your grocery costs in a month? The Barrhead Food Bank is open to anyone who feels they need a little help.

The Food Bank is in the Barrhead & District FCSS building. We are open Thursdays from 10 am – 3 pm.

The Food Bank is operated with the assistance and generosity of numerous community volunteers and groups who graciously give food and monetary donations to help provide food hampers for people in need.

Appointments are mandatory. Please call 780-284-7390 to make an appointment.

If you would like to support your community by making a donation to the Food Bank, you can drop off Food Bank donations at the FCSS office. 5103-51st Street.
Any and all donations are gratefully accepted.
Some items that are always needed include canned meat/tuna, cereal, soup, beans, Mr. Noodles. We always accept fresh fruit and veggies.
