FCSS believes in keeping the community updated on various topics. Come and connect with other community members, learn new skills, increase your community knowledge and awareness, and cultivate new experiences.

These events often create inspiration and help develop potential new programs and projects to better the community.

Some examples of what FCSS has offered and is offering include:

  • Black History Month Educational Awareness during the month of March.
  • In 2023 FCSS hosted Paul and Christine Beaver to present during Black Awareness month.
  • In partnership with community members and agencies Indigenous Day events were held on June 21st, 2023.
  • Truth and Reconciliation events were held in September 2023.
  • Family Violence Prevention education and activities during the month of November. In the past we have hosted “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” and this year stay tuned for more information.
  • Poverty Simulation in partnership with the United Way. A poverty simulation is a unique and powerful experience that challenges perceptions, changes perspectives, and strengthens understanding and empathy. The simulation replicates a month in the life of a family living in poverty. The ultimate mission of each family is to provide food, shelter, and other basic needs with a limited income. Participants experience a range of encounters, obstacles, and challenges while volunteers engage with participants as business owners, teachers, police officers, agency workers, service providers, and government employees.
  • Seniors Week is the first week of June. Watch for events.
