Parent and Children Programs

brian Family Programs

Are you looking for quality time out of the house with your children?! For things that will stimulate their learning, socialization, and curiosity? We offer programs for parents with young children to help with their child’s development. It also allows parents to get out with their little ones for some fun social time for both themselves and their little ones. …

Circle of Security

brian Family Programs

Can you imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you?! The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Through the program, each participant will be given the information and tools that they …

Emotion Coaching (The Heart of Parenting)

brian Family Programs

Need help understanding your child’s emotions??? Check out our Emotion Coaching sessions. This program is a five-step method that builds emotional intelligence and creates positive, long-lasting effects for children from toddlers to teens. Emotion Coaching is easy to learn and supports kids through life’s ups and downs. Learn the best ways to respond when your child is sad, angry, or …

Love & Logic

brian Family Programs

Do you find yourself: Arguing over homework? Bribing kids to do chores and behave? Fighting with kids over their devices? Constantly playing referee? Feeling like you must yell to be heard? You can do this! Imagine a calmer, happier home free from yelling, nagging, guilt, and frustration – filled with learning, caring, and mutual respect. This program is an unparallel …

Triple P

brian Family Programs

Why use “Triple P” to help you parent. Are you first time parents? Are you looking for ideas or strategies to help with your little ones? The three Ps in ‘Triple P’ stand for ‘Positive Parenting Program’ which means your family life is going to be much more enjoyable. Triple P is a parenting program but it doesn’t tell you …

Collective Kitchen

brian Seniors Programs

Learn new cooking techniques, share a meal with others and take a meal home for later, limit of 6 participants. We are currently not running this program due to low enrollment. Please call the FCSS office for more information about this program and put your name on a list of interest.

Seniors Dinner

brian Seniors Programs

Third Friday of most months at the Seniors Drop-In Centre. The cost is $15 per person, purchase your ticket at the FCSS office. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Weekly Coffee Time at FCSS

brian Seniors Programs

Refreshments and snacks, friendly conversation, live musical entertainment and games. Wednesdays 2:00 pm—3:30 pm $3.00 per person. Every third Wednesday of the month is, “Snackers and Crafters,” with a $5.00 charge for those who wish to do the craft. Please call the office to register for the craft project.

Heart to Home Meals

brian Seniors Programs

A Culinary Voyage! A freshly frozen, affordable, nutritious meal delivered to your home. Because one size doesn’t fit all……many of the meals are different sizes to suit your individual appetite: Mini, Standard, and Hearty meal sizes. And……the nutrition is always right. Each meal is colour coded, so you can choose the meals that best suit your diet. Protein Assist, CarbControl, …