Meals on Wheels

brian Seniors Programs

FCSS’ role in this community-partnered program is to recruit, train and schedule volunteer drivers to deliver Meals on Wheels five days a week in the Town of Barrhead. We also act as liaisons for program enquiries. FCSS also advertises the availability of the service in the community. All other facets of this program are administered by Alberta Health Services (AHS). …

Home Support

brian Seniors Programs

Are you struggling to keep up with your chores around the house? Is it getting to be too much for you? FCSS offers light housekeeping for a nominal fee based on your income. Contact our office and speak to the Seniors’ Coordinator for more information and to have her do a home visit. Regularly scheduled basic light housekeeping service is …

55+ Connect Programs

brian Seniors Programs

Looking for an outing? Need to keep fit, in shape, and flexible? Need to socialize? We have programs for all of these. Keep Connected with others of your similar age through our programs for seniors here at FCSS. Exercise – Weekly on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 am at FCSS. Coffee – Weekly on Wednesdays from 2 to 3:30 pm …

Snow Angels

brian Seniors Programs

It’s the Neighbourly thing to do! For some, the first snowfall of the year is a welcome event. For others, the first snowfall brings worries of slipping and falling. Snow Angels is an awareness and recognition program encouraging residents to help a neighbour in need with snow removal. Become a Snow Angel – Volunteers are needed to help shovel walks …

Build Your Body Balance

brian Seniors Programs

Do you feel off balance? Did you know there is a way to improve your balance? FCSS offers a program for seniors 60+ years of age. The facilitator for Build Your Body Balance will show you proper walking techniques to help keep your balance better. This program not only involves techniques, but also teaches the theory involved in improving your …

Community Awareness Events

brian Community Awareness Events

FCSS believes in keeping the community updated on various topics. Come and connect with other community members, learn new skills, increase your community knowledge and awareness, and cultivate new experiences. These events often create inspiration and help develop potential new programs and projects to better the community. Some examples of what FCSS has offered and is offering include: Black History …

Food Drives

brian Community Programs

Would you like to donate to your local food bank but find it difficult to get there during regular work hours? Need an easy way to contribute to the Barrhead Food Bank? We have a yearly Town of Barrhead Food Drive in April. We will bring the bags to you to fill and all you have to do is leave …


brian Community Programs

The WECAN Food Basket Society believes in healthy food for all of Barrhead and the surrounding area. WECAN connects individuals and families on limited and or fixed incomes, who are struggling at the end of each month to provide enough healthy food for their families, with a basket of fresh produce and frozen meat items. The Food Basket program is …

CVITP – Community volunteer Income Tax Program

brian Community Programs

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program has been a long-standing partnership between CRA and FCSS. CRA-trained volunteers prepare basic tax and electronically file returns for low-income individuals and families throughout March and April. The CVITP is offered free of charge to anyone who meets the eligibility criteria and includes doing taxes for current and previous years. In order to be …

C.A.R.E – Community Angels For Recreational Enrichment

brian Community Programs

Do you know the important benefits of participating in sports? We do and that’s why we offer the CARE program. This program pay the cost of registration fees up to a certain dollar value for children whose families face financial barriers. It allows them to participate in registered sport programs and experience the lifelong benefits of a season of sport. …